Hippie Cowgirl Retreat 2025


5 Days & 4 Nights

at White Stallion Ranch

Tucson, AZ

May 6 – 10th, 2025


Retreat Focus

This retreat is about looking back to see if past traumas may be causing false frictions in your current life. Are old introjects from our past perhaps having a negative impact on us today? Almost certainly, the answer will be yes for almost all of us.

The horses and our well-educated coaches, provide one of the most amazingly transformative experiences available.

Retreat Description

This retreat is about looking back to see if past traumas may be causing false frictions in your current life. Are old introjects from our past perhaps having a negative impact on us today? Almost certainly, the answer will be yes for almost all of us.

The horses and our well-educated coaches, provide one of the most amazingly transformative experiences available.

  • Become stronger mentally and find inner peace
  • Rediscover yourself after too long feeling disconnected
  • Peace and quiet for the mind, refreshing energy for the body
  • Drop out of “normal life” for a period
  • Gestalt coaching
  • Horse riding
  • Daily free time
  • Lots of options to choose
  • Horses and fun in the desert
  • Horses healing humans

Humans shedding self-limiting beliefs and rediscovering their purpose and direction. Most of us will find that we are in our way. Once we have a better picture of who we truly are, our world opens up to abundance and possibility!

About Teachers

I firmly believe that we all have a main purpose in life. The small seeds are often peacefully planted and can be super subtle. These seeds are often held outside our awareness…….until much later in life. This is where the simple truth stays alive – there are no coincidences. The sooner we all understand and accept this, the sooner the world will be a happier place. It really is that simple.

Equine Gestalt™ is the authentic answer to healthier perspectives and perceptions, as well as increased self-awareness and overall peace of mind.

As a trauma informed trained professional, I help my clients take deep dives into their past trauma.  According to Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score, past trauma is held in the cells of various places within the body. These hiding places for trauma are protected by our ‘strategy’ – the rehearsed surface story we tell to any and all.

My purpose is to provide the perfect environment to allow for the inevitable vulnerability that comes when this past trauma makes its way to the surface, as it should, so the healing may begin.

Jenny-Marie is an avid horsewoman and a passionate student of wellness & healing. She is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist with additional training in functional nutrition and Equine Gestalt Coaching TM. Her work with humans and horses as an Equine Gestaltist TM  has been described as “profoundly healing”. Past participants have described her retreats as “life-changing”, “magical” and “unlike anything I expected and yet everything I needed to see myself in a new way”.

What’s Included

    • Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner:
      • The food is home-cooked and delicious. Meals are served at 7:30 am, 12:30 pm and 7:00 pm.
      • After a busy day playing in the desert, fabulous food offerings and many cool beverages are served Al Fresco, under the starry sky. Different options are available daily.
      • Any style eater will be satisfied at WSR!
      • Meals Provided:
        • Breakfast
        • Lunch
        • Dinner
        • Snacks
      • Diets Catered:
        • Dairy-free
        • Gluten Free
        • Keto-friendly
        • Low fat
        • Nut-allergy-friendly
        • Raw
        • Sugar conscious
        • Vegan
        • Vegetarian
    • 3X Group Equine Gestalt
    • Group Trail Ride
    • Group Breakfast Ride
    • Cattle Sorting/Team Penning
    • RODEO
    • Watercolor Workshop
    • Country Line Dancing
    • Cowboy Campfire Songs


    Pay Deposit HERE!


    Contact/More Info:

    Jane Salko | Equine Gestaltist



    (475) 225-6729